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Norbertines of St. Michael's Abbey

For more than fifty years, the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael’s Abbey have served the Christian faithful in Southern California—“lifting high the Holy Eucharist over the miseries and errors of this world” (Saint Pope John Paul II).  The community’s apostolic ministries are many and various—from running a preparatory school for young men to teaching religious education in prisons—but they all find their source in our common life of prayer and fraternal charity.


Immersed in the 900-year tradition of their order, the Norbertine Fathers live a monastic common life of liturgical prayer and care for souls. St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County consists of nearly fifty priests and thirty seminarians studying for the priesthood.


The Norbertine community has been blessed by a tremendous amount of growth—both in numbers, as well as in apostolates. This growth has resulted in the urgent need for a new abbey to advance their mission more effectively. The new abbey will enable them to accept additional seminarians, expand the preparatory school, host & lead retreats, provide adult education opportunities, become a regional center for music, history, culture, art and literature, and serve as a spiritual oasis for Southern California and beyond.


The Napa Institute Foundation supports the work of the Norbertine fathers and the building of the new Abbey. More information about the St. Michael’s Abbey community can be found here:

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